Press Release Summary = Do we really emit Pheromones that cause the opposite sex to become more attracted to us subconsciously and unwittingly? We are all curious about the craze that has started through internet, in a bid to make us attractive to the opposite sex, and with the anonymity of it all has caused so many of us just to buy it and see if it really does work. But is there proof and which brands are just out to make money off us gullible fools.
Press Release Body = Noticing one website that ranked several different brands I thought I was on to a winner I didn\'t have to do all the work after all, until I noticed that the number 1 ranked Pheromone was one that they also sold, what a coincidence. Buying a couple from various different sites, I splashed a bit on every night that I went out socializing, the results varied one brand actually kept people away with its strong musky sent that had been added to the bottle, I more embarrassed then the \"extreme confidence I would receive from peoples attention\" it was quiet the opposite unwanted attention. That one I immediately threw out not even wanting to risk pouring it down the sink incase the smell permeated back up my bathroom sink, especially I was lucky enough even to attract someone to show them the inner dwellings of my apartment. So after the 4 week trial of these wonderful potions (some im sure could be used as pest control) I found one that - didn\'t repulse people, seemed that I now had curious charm to the opposite sex, didn\'t cost me a small fortune, and actually lead me to meet my partner, (She says that its my great hair and whit, but I know better)., here are the facts: Pheromones are naturally occurring chemicals released from the sweat glands, which both humans and animals give off, subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex. We\'ve all got a little animal in all of us don\'t we? So how come I can\'t smell them? Pheromones are subconscious scents which send a sexual response signal to the brain detected by the Vomeronasal Organ (VNO) an organ 3 inches inside the nose, a small sac on either side of the nasal septum, containing receptor cells that pick up chemical signals (pheromones). The pheromone has been nature\'s way for men to sexually attract women at the primal and genetic level. I really wanted to know most of all why do I need Pheromone cologne, why don\'t I have any or where have they gone???? Unfortunately, due to our daily routines of washing, bathing and applying toiletry products (scented or unscented) such as skin lotions, hair products, deodorant, perfume, etc., the natural pheromones produced by our body are destroyed or covered up. And with every good thing evolution has help diminish our scent. So there it is Pheromones can work. Try for your pheromone hit.
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Contact Details = Vanessa Hargraves Etech Media